BIER OHNE BART || International Women's Day brew day
The 8th of March is International Women's Day. A day to celebrate the women of Team Vocation and all women around the world.
For a long time, the brewery industry was considered to be a man’s world. This is now changing with powerful, strong and intelligent women breaking through barriers and representing women by standing at the forefront of innovation in the craft beer industry. There are so many inspirational women within the industry that we admire and have had the pleasure of working with, and we encourage people in all walks of life to do the same. This isn't just about equality, but about respect and making room for women at the top.
Within the Vocation team we have women working throughout the brewery. 9 women work across various departments of the business, brewing, packaging, sales & distribution, marketing & events and finance.
On International Women's Day we came together to celebrate and brew a beer together. Anna from SSV, joined the us for the day, being an honorary member of the team through all the time she spends on site doing our tank installs.
Deciding what style of beer, we wanted to brew took some time, we floated ideas of a fruited IPA, quads and sours. After much discussion and narrowing down our ideas we decided to brew a Hefeweizen, a style we all enjoy drinking after a hard day’s graft.
This is the first hefeweizen we have brewed at Vocation. We bought in Rice Hulls and a whole load of Wheat Malt specifically for this brew.
We started off by adding Wheat, Extra Pale Malt and then some Munich malt for added colour and flavour. We followed this with the Rice Hulls to aid lautering, then added Hallertau Mittelfrüh hops to the Whirlpool.
The end result is a full-bodied classic hefeweizen with fruity notes and complex layers of malt. Refreshing and session-able after a hard day’s graft.
Grab your cans now and raise a glass to the wonderful women of the world.
Click here to head to the Webshop and get your cans.